I Did It!

November 3, 2007 at 8:38 pm (Family)


I know some of questioned my parenting skills when we decided to make Samuel save for the Playmobil castle, but I stand by my decision. Last week, after a few months of saving and a store sale, Samuel was finally able to go and pay for hs castle! The first thing he asked when he got to the was “how much does it cost?” It seems like a small success to me.

Of course, after spending an hour putting it together my son only wanted to play with he dragon from the picture on the box. For some reason though, the dragon wasn’t among the 2 million pieces in the box. We had to buy that separately. Fortunately Grandpa decided to purchase the dragon for Samuel;s birthday present. All is well, and we are still trying to be fiscally responsible!

I have to say, after all the hassle of putting it together and the constant battles between the two boys that continually result in the destruction of some part of the castle, I am reaffirming my love for the Fisher Price Little People Castle!


  1. liz said,

    I love playmobil stuff, but it is truly impossible for preschoolers to put together. How did he manage to save up that much money?

  2. Greg said,

    That looks like a pretty cool castle!

  3. Anne said,

    Way to stick to your guns!

  4. Christina said,

    Nice pose, Samuel!

  5. sillyjillybean said,

    You are hillarious. I do say that young man earned that cash pretty quickly. Just wait till he is 7 and he is asking for 250$ toys and has the gimmies. You should see Andrew’s christmas list. Oh, and by the way, he is in for a rude awakening. I officially took a vacation from this years christmas duty’s and told brian he is in charge of the kids christmas. I am tired of hearing him say my shopping is ridiculous.

    ….Now the real question is can I leave it alone?

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