Google Much?

March 11, 2010 at 8:19 pm (Random Thoughts)

Do you ever Google yourself?

I have been known to do a little personal research, but my name is a fairly common one, and I usually can’t make it past the first three pages to see if there’s something actually about me. My sister-in-law, Ingrid is very famous. If you Google her, it’s actually her that comes up!

Anyway, the reason I bring up the search engines is because WordPress has a fancy schmancy feature that lets you see the search terms that people use to find our blog. There is one phrase that appears more than any other. You’re probably thinking, “world’s best mom,” but strangely enough, that isn’t it. The phrase that shows up most often is: “Big kid diapers.”

This is a little depressing for me, because I thought I was about more than just diapers! Anyway, in case you all were worried, everyone who should be potty trained in my house is potty trained(and has been for quite some time!)! We are down to two sets of diapers, and perhaps one day we’ll be down to one set of diapers!

Anyway, I’m off to Google different versions of myself to see if I’m famous … even just a little bit!


  1. Paige said,

    well if you googe my name you find a famous porn star so watch out!

  2. ingrid said,

    Sarah, I’m glad you’re back!

  3. Sharleen said,

    i googled ingrid as well – she IS famous! I too am glad you’re back and blogging, Sarah! Congrats on only paying for two diaper sizes! we are currently buying size 6 diapers – hopefully we will soon be buying only size 2. isaac is not so much wanting to use the toilet, he said he prefers diapers. oh dear.

  4. ingrid said,

    Sarah – I just googled myself to see what comes up and I have a question for you… I googled my first and last name and then put – violin after my name. If you scroll down about five or so, there is a site in french that comes up of a jazz CD with Dany Brillant I recorded on while living in New Orleans. Can you help me order this or figure out how to? I believe it is in Euros…I was promised a copy but never did receive it and very curious how it turned out.

  5. Lisa Loo said,

    Like how I changed my name? It is because up until lately I’ve been google free. But then I started commenting on your hot little blog and there I am, googled all over on Sarah’s Ponderings. HA!

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